Pós-Cultura receives grants from different agencies: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (FAPESB).
Currently, the Academic Master’s holds 28 scholarships: twenty (20) from CAPES and 8 (eight) from FAPESB. The Doctorate Program holds 34 scholarships: 21 (twenty-one) from CAPES and 13 (thirteen) from FAPESB. The number of grants may vary over time depending on the demand or constraints from the funding agencies. The Doctorate students are given grants to carry out short-term doctorate exchange program/ in Brazil or abroad, whose availability is also variable.
The program currently has 1 (one) CAPES/PRINT short-term doctorate exchange program grant, as well as Research Productivity or Technological Development and Innovative Extension grants from CNPq.
We also have grants for Scientific Initiation (IC) for undergraduate students, under the research projects of the permanent faculty. Such grants are funded by UFBA itself or by CNPq. In addition to the grants, some research projects receive financial contribution from CAPES and CNPq through public calls.
Pós-Cultura receives financial support from CAPES and CNPq to qualify its faculty through postdoctoral grants in Brazil and abroad and the granting of financial support for participation in national and international events.
The post-culture, through the pro-rectory of post-graduation, the pro-rectory of affirmative actions and student assistance and of national and state funding agencies, has at its disposal several opportunities for financial assistance for its students, with Criteria established in internal notices that take into account the program of quotas adopted by the program, socio-economic criteria and also academic productivity.
PROAE-The Student Assistance pro-Rectory was established in 2006 to concentrate efforts and optimize resources for the permanence of undergraduate and graduate students in social risk situations. Through the PROAE the student can have access to the university residence, to the university restaurants, kindergartens, transportation assistance, support scholarships. To gain access to the benefits, you must make a registration
More Information www.proae.ufba.br
FAPESB – Bahia's research Support Foundation provides master's and doctorate scholarships through the graduate program and the programs. The scholarships are forwarded to the programs that are responsible for distribution and selection criteria. The post-culture performs internal notices for selection of scholarships by criteria that take into account the socio-economic situation of the student, in addition to items such as quotas, productivity and performance, in the case of renewals. The student needs to create a register of researcher on the institution's website, gather a series of documents and await the announcement launched by the program.
More Information www.fapesb.ba.gov.br
CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development is an agency of the federal government that offers various modalities of aid for the student in Brazil and abroad. Scholarships can be offered directly by the institution or through post-culture notice.
More Information www.cnpq.br
Capes – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel provides scholarships for graduate students for activities in Brazil and abroad, as well as housing assistance and assistance for participation in national and international events. The post-culture has a quota of scholarships that are regularly distributed to the Masters and doctoral students, through the program's internal announcement.
More Information www.capes.gov.br
PROAP – Graduation Support Program is an aid for teachers and students of the program for the realization and participation of events. The resources come from Capes and are distributed within the program that carries out the planning through criteria established in its bylaws. For more information on this form of aid, the student must seek the program secretariat.