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International partnership : 5th international congress on cultures

The 5th International Congress on Cultures – What culture(s) for the 21st century? comes after an intense scientific debate that began in 2015 at the University of Beira Interior, anchored in the creation of the scientific area of culture studies, with the realization of a meeting on the theme of «Cultures in Movement». This dialogue was deepened in 2016, in the multidisciplinary Program of Post-Graduation in Culture and Society of the Federal University of Bahia, having been expanded and strengthened in 2017 with the realization of the 3rd Congress at the University of Minho and, in the last year, in 2018, on the return to Brazil and having the Federal University of the Recôncavo of Bahia as host, defining on more solid bases the horizon for the challenges to come that, As researchers united in this interest for cultural studies, we propose to continue to embrace. It is in this context that this Fifth International Congress on Cultures takes place, which prays returns to its original home: the University of Beira Interior. 
Based on a solid scientific and academic partnership that has the four universities mentioned above as protagonists, and driven by a scientific area that, at UBI and from UBI, has been affirming its centrality in meeting a certain idea of University, this Fifth International Congress, consolidated by all diagnoses, seeks to identify the challenges to culture in this early century. It is not, of course, a question of returning to the usual diagnoses of crisis, which, going through all the spheres of human life, seem to find in culture simultaneously and paradoxically the point at which such a crisis manifests itself with greater impiety, on the one hand, and its ultimate possibility of redemption on the other. 
It is a matter of thinking deeply and systematically some of the solutions that have been fenced in the perimeter of those always revisited diagnoses, taking care of perspective them front and front, i.e., seeing decisively in this forward-looking movement a tangible promise that will mobilize the future. In doing so, the guidelines we need to assess the state of the art of discussion with fine motion, on the one hand, and to offer, on the other, the practical solutions that are intended to impregnate and guide social life, those without which the hesitant multitudes not philosophers to whom Antero de Quental alluded will remain falls and lost.
The Culture Studies, installed in a model of rationality that is constructed from a holistic, comprehensive and reunifying view of the human, of their turn firmly anchored in the contemporary’s terrain in which the questions of the past only serve as renewed contact with the pulsar of today’s reality – a gift that, by its ability to project itself into the future, overcomes the diagnosis of solipsism –, are specially equipped to welcome and to respond to this challenge
What do we want in this 5th International Congress on Cultures – What culture(s) for the 21st century? is that it constitutes the space for a broad debate, which contributes to the development and consolidation of the research community that under the pretext of holding these congresses is gaining momentum.
More information: http://www.5occult congresss.ubi.pt/
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