Audiosphere - Music, Technology and Culture
Leaders: Messias Guimarães Bandeira and Marise Berta de Souza
Syllabus: Permanent investigation of the main changes in the musical production chain and in its cultural scopes, such as audiovisual, games and creative industries, taking from the social appropriation of technology. In this regard, the group analyzes the many technological, cultural, aesthetic, political and economic aspects involved in the study of the relationship between music and digital culture, the political economy of communication, image, copyright laws, intellectual property, among other elements whose theoretical frame has been the research basis for new ways of making, organizing and experimenting the culture. The research group has an online community and recently produced initiatives such as the organization of Digitalia – Conference/International Festival of Music and Digital Culture and the edition of Kinodigital magazine .
Body and Culture
Leader: Renata Pitombo Cidreira.
Syllabus: Considering the different levels of articulation that involve the understanding of the body, as a significant instance, in its modulations and intersectional aspects, we can observe that, in spite of the relative amount of academic production, there is a relevant need for deepening investigations that incorporate critical and theoretical sensitivity to the modes of experimentation and bodily experiences, in diverse contexts. The Group is interested in gender studies, social modes of exercising sexuality; the relationship between body, generations and lifestyle; the social dispositions that produce the constructed vulnerable body of women, blacks and sexual dissidents; the visual policies of corporeality and its interaction with the commodities universe, and with the cultural-artistic field; as well as the meaning of the body and trance in religious contexts; the performative aesthetics of the body in culture and in several religious and identity traditions that make up the Brazilian diversity.
Culture and Science
Leader: Simone Terezinha Bortoliero
Syllabus: The group brings together several researchers from different areas of knowledge in a multidisciplinary view. Its perspective of research is on scientific culture, scientific dissemination, scientific journalism and scientific education in the State of Bahia. Since its establishment in 2004, Masters and PhDs investigate the representations of health, environmental and scientific topics in the interface with local and national media contributing to a new research field. It also assesses public policies of science, technology and innovation in the State of Bahia. It carries out interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work with researchers from different units in the field of scientific education, whose objective is to stimulate youth interest in science topics. Besides conducting research, the group is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the News Agency in ST & I - Science and Culture of the Federal University of Bahia.
Culture, Politics, Identity and Productive Logics
Leaders: Leandro de Paula (UFBA) and João Domingues (UFF).
Syllabus: The group is dedicated to analyzing the mutually constitutive dynamics of culture and politics, observing the confrontations between identities and differences. In interdisciplinary records, we seek to recognize the unequal forms of inscription and legitimation of cultural identities, and the processes by which the claims for recognition gain the public scene. The group is home to research dedicated, especially, to the tensions between the religious issue and the public sphere, in the effort to detect conditions and specificities of secularism in Brazil.
Epistemologies of subalternity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema
Leader: Maurício Matos
Syllabus: This field of investigation includes projects that discuss different configurations of the subaltern discourse in contemporary Brazilian cinema, in an articulated way for the critical reading of the mechanisms of subalternity put into motion in the construction/deconstruction of the recent political culture in Brazil, especially with the Amnesty Law in the 1980s and the beginning of redemocratization as an established political process. Such process follows a micropolitical network of new relationships that displace the existing mechanisms of construction of the subaltern due to the historical emergence of organized crime in the peripheries of the largest Brazilian cities. Democracy and organized crime exist as contemporary historical processes. The subaltern is interested in a post-authoritarian context in view of the hybridization of historical violence in the Brazilian culture and society with the emergence of criminal factions that reinvent, in the audiovisual record, the micropolitics of subjectivity as deviations in relation to the dominant political process. Among the reconstruction of the democratic State and the dismantling of records in circulation, the Brazilian cinema is presented as a fragmented field of research, which emerges through the articulation of such a historical-political-cultural context in Brazil with the analysis-theory-review of post-authoritarian epistemologies in the cinematographic record, delimiting a fragmented, multidisciplinary territory torn by the post-structuralist dismantling of discourse inside and outside the film.
Cultural Spectacles and Society
Leader: Leonardo Vincenzo Boccia
Syllabus: Established in 2006 at UFBA by Professor Dr. Leonardo V. Boccia, Cultural Spectacles and Society (ECUS) is an interdisciplinary research group in the field of culture, art and technology. The group studies performances, events, and cultural productions from the aesthetic-technical-technological perspectives, as well as the theories of music applied to the mass media, music and culture, sound studies, and the construction of performances at different sociocultural levels. With the support of CNPq and CAPES, ECUS members have participated in multidisciplinary events and academic activities in international cooperation with the Universities of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Arts and Sciences of the Spectacle; Jacobs University Bremen and Communication University China. The current ECUS research project studies neuro-music as a platform for observation and analysis of the effects of transferring music and scenic and visual arts in contemporary cultural education and in Digital Bildung (digital education).
LOGOS - Strategic Communication, Branding, and Culture
Leader: Adriano de Oliveira Sampaio
Syllabus: The group investigates the strategies of visibility and self-promotion of two Brazilian metropolitan cities (Salvador and São Paulo) and two international metropolitan cities (Lisbon/Portugal and Barcelona/Spain) from a cultural dimension. To do so, the group analyzes discursively the self-promotion campaigns developed by those cities’ public bodies to promote tourism. As specific objectives, we intend to: I) carry out a survey on the cultural policies developed by the Municipal Secretariats of Culture (2014-2015) that intend to establish a link between cultural consumption in the city, from the perspective of the citizen and the tourist. II) Observe the branding image of both cities, through the link they establish with culture as a right constituted by their inhabitants and visitors. The corpus of analysis of that research stage is the tourist and cultural plans of the respective capital cities. The current research project, at Post Doctorate level, started at ECA/USP, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Margarida Maria K. Kunsch (2016-2017).
Memory and Identity - Activism and Politics
Leader: José Roberto Severino and Raquel Alvarenga Sena Venera
Syllabus: The group researches themes related to memory and identity from different perspectives on contemporary cultural production. It includes works of material and immaterial cultural heritage and social memory that can provide elements for the definition and redefinition of public policies in the field of culture, expressing the capacity of the human being to survive in the environment where they live, thus making up a record of the history of the city, the country, the nation, and people's lives. It also seeks to gather experiences of cultural processes in traditional communities/groups and the diversity and cultural heritage in the contemporary narratives of belonging.
Center of Research and Extension in Cultures, Genres and Sexualities (NuCuS)
Leaders: Leandro Colling and Djalma Thürler
Syllabus: Established on October 16, 2018, following by-laws No. 03/2018, the center is an outgrowth and transformation of the Group Culture and Sexuality Research (CuS), founded in 2007 at UFBA. It aims at funding and carrying out research and extension activities that deal with the relationships between cultures, genders and sexualities, and to build a dialogue with the University, the public authorities, the institutions and organizations within the civil society aiming at the promotion of full citizenship for everyone. About 50 contributors, including faculty members, technical and administrative staff, students from UFBA and other institutions, as well as people from the community, are part of NuCuS, being divided into permanent members and collaborating members.
Leader: Linda Rubim
Syllabus: A research group that gathers a series of research projects and aims to reflect on the connection between Media, Culture and Gender.
Observatory of Cultural Diversity
Leader: José Márcio Barros
Syllabus: The Observatory of Cultural Diversity has two complementary and dialogical lines. The first one concerns its performance as a non-governmental organization that develops programs of collaborative action among cultural managers, artists, art educators, cultural agents, and researchers, through the support of the Fundo Municipal de Cultura (Municipal Funds of Culture) of Belo Horizonte and Fundo Estadual de Cultura (State Funds of Culture of Minas Gerais). The second one consists of a research group formed by a network of researchers, which conducts its studies in several educational institutions, investigating the theme of cultural diversity in different lines of research. The aim of both the research group and the NGO is to produce information and knowledge, generate experiences and experimentation, acting on the challenges of the protection and promotion of cultural diversity.
State Observatory of Creative Economy (OBEC)
Leader: Messias Guimarães Bandeiras
Vice-leader: Daniele Pereira Canedo
Syllabus: The State Observatory of Creative Economy housed at the Institute of Humanities, Arts and Sciences of the Federal University of Bahia is among the academic spaces linked to the Federal Universities of Brazil with the objective of producing information and knowledge, as well as generating experiences and experiments on the local and state creative economy. The Observatory aims to promote research and extension activities within the Creative Economy scope. The OBEC-BA has six regional centers of articulation and irradiation of activities, which will form a direct articulation for the support of research and extension activities, through the campuses of UFBA (the cities of Salvador, Vitória da Conquista and Barreiras) and other universities associated with the project (UFRB - Cachoeira, UNIVASF - Juazeiro, Lençóis City Hall).
Observatory of Policies and Cultural Management
Leaders: Antonio Albino Canelas Rubim, Renata de Paula Trindade Rocha de Souza, and Gisele Marchiori Nussbaumer
Syllabus: The research group conducts analyzes and studies on politics and culture management, especially in the Brazilian social context. It gathers researchers in distinct moments of learning and experience, dedicated to the study of creation, planning, execution, monitoring, management and evaluation of cultural, general and specialized policies. The group is also interested in associated topics, such as agents, groups, institutions and cultural spaces; cultural cooperation and exchange; circulation and distribution of culture; cultural criticism; cultural rights; culture and creative economy; financing and funding of culture; training in culture; cultural fruition and consumption; cultural institutionality; organization of the cultural field; cultural participation; cultural heritage; cultural agenda and cultural territories. The research work is always associated with researcher training and the subsequent disclosure of the results of their research in a perspective of commitment to society.
Technological Poetics: the audiovisual body
Leader: Marise Berta de Souza
Syllabus: It studies the constitution of language and audiovisual narrative in the context of creative processes, articulating the different forms of language structure and audiovisual narrative in their relationships with social practices and experiences of the subjects in contemporary times.
Practices and discursive products of Media Culture
Leader: Annamaria da Rocha Jatobá Palacios and Rita de Cássia Aragão Matos
Syllabus: The group aims, primarily, to promote dialogues and exchange of experiences and the search for complementarities and points of convergence of research themes under the responsibility of professors, coordinators, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as researchers from other units of the Federal University of Bahia, and other educational institutions. The continuous and systematic interlocution might allow the strengthening of joint bibliographic productions, as well as the encouragement and facilitation in the organization of events in the group's area of knowledge. Another contribution concerns the identification and incorporation of possible students’ academic talents in the undergraduate , scientific initiation , and Course Conclusion Monograph levels. The group has been working as a space for the affiliation and training of new researchers.
Voice, Body and Memory in the Poetic Weaving
Leader: Edilene Dias Matos
Syllabus: The research group “Voice, Body and Memory in the Poetic Weaving” aims to bring voice as a space of borders between cultures and as a fabric of wefts amongst memory, history, body theatricality, eye and letter. It focuses on the investigation of the different voices that run through what is considered the poetics of oral cultures that crosses the present, but also establishes contact networks with those voices that are inscribed in history. Such voices are continuously subject to re-creation processes and rearrangement of patterns with the purpose of composing and recomposing the intertextual weaving, which poetic praxis inscribes in the interminable movement of cultures, always in formation and dialogue.